From Mind to Body: Learning to Look for Important Ovulation Day Symptoms

Walk into any sex education classroom, and you’re bound to leave feeling as though the only trick to getting pregnant is an unprotected roll in the hay.

But most adults quickly discover that there’s more than just an absence of condoms and birth control to contend with when trying to conceive (TTC).

Ovulation day symptoms, for example, are an integral part of the conception process. 

Sex ed likely taught you that having lots of sex is a sure-fire way to conceive. But even if you’re doing it like rabbits, a baby won’t happen if you’re not doing the deed at the right time.

What’s important to remember, though, is that sperm can survive inside your body for up to three days.

What Happens to Your Body During Ovulation?

Why is Fertility Tracking Important?

Whether you have sex two times or thirty, if you’re not doing it on the right days and at the right time, your “efforts” (while probably fun) will be useless.

Ovulation Day Symptoms: What Are They and Why Do They Occur?

Beyond tracking your ovulation days, you might wonder if there are other ways to figure out something is going on inside your body.

While most of us realize our periods tend to bring emotions, many women aren’t aware that ovulation symptoms and mood sometimes go hand-in-hand.

Ovulation Symptoms and Your Mood

Are There Any Specific Signs Ovulation is Over?

Generally speaking, the best sign that ovulation is over is a decrease in the symptoms you experienced while it was happening.

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Scripts for Getting Out of Baby Shower Invitations 

3 script options for moms going through infertility and/or miscarriage.

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