10 Sweet Rainbow Baby Announcement Ideas


Announcing a rainbow baby can be a giant bag of emotions. You’re excited and scared. You know people will celebrate, and you want to celebrate, but you may also have some lingering desire to temper your feelings. 

Why Do a Rainbow Baby Announcement?

For many parents, this is a way to honor the angel baby (or babies) they lost while celebrating the ones that are to come. It’s a way of recognizing that one child does not replace another, but the coming child was so longed for and brings much joy.

How to Know if a Rainbow Baby Announcement is Right for You

This experience is uniquely your own, and we encourage you to handle it in whatever way feels best to you. 

Types of Rainbow Baby Announcements

No matter what type of rainbow baby announcement you’re considering, you want to be sure you do it in a way that feels authentic to you. But please hear me when I say this, mama. You’ve waited for this moment, and you deserve to do it the way you want to.

Rainbow Baby Photoshoot Announcements

Whether you have a professional photoshoot or do your own at home, you can use special rainbow baby props or outfits to create the perfect creative rainbow baby announcement. Here are some props you might enjoy.

Ultrasound Photos

As I mentioned, I chose not to use ultrasound photos in my rainbow baby announcement, but if it’s something that brings you joy, you have every right to use it and love it.

 Positive pregnancy tests

Again, I chose not to show a pregnancy test, but for many mamas, they’re so special for some people that they must be included. Again, you do you, mama!

When to Announce A Pregnancy with Your Rainbow Baby

Ultimately, though, the choice is yours. When you feel like you want the world to know, then it’s time.

Where to Announce a Rainbow Pregnancy

Announce your pregnancy wherever feels best to you.  Wherever your friends and family are is likely where you’ll want to announce.

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Worry-Free Pregnancy Guide

(Beneficial for all anxious expecting moms, but originally created for moms experiencing pregnancy after loss. 4 exercises I've developed with my therapist during pregnancy after loss, plus monthly calendars and mood trackers to help you monitor your progress and find important patterns)