Your Guide to Toddler Birthday Party Etiquette

In the past, people just assumed that toddlers were still too young to understand the importance of socializing. Thus, our parents didn’t give much attention to how kids’ felt about the party.

So how hard can it be to organize or prepare for a party for a toddler? You need snacks and cakes, some music and entertainment, and that’s about it, right?!

Whether you are hosting a party or your toddler is invited to one, there is a certain toddler birthday party etiquette that is helpful for everyone if followed.

After hearing that there’s a certain etiquette to toddler birthday parties, some parents feel overwhelmed and recoil from the idea of party planning.

Many organizations that work with children will tell you that it is not necessary to invite every kid from your son’s or daughter’s class.

Should You Invite All the Kids from the Class?

Should I Invite Every Child Who Invited My Kid to Their Party? 

Well, not really. If you want to and have the budget, go for it.

What Kind of Food do I Need to Prepare? 

Consider fruits and veggies; healthy sandwiches; and baked snacks. Consider this great list of healthy party snacks from Clean Eating with Kids!

What is essential to know is that it is the attention and care that counts the most, not the price of the gift.

How Much Should You Spend on a Birthday Gift for a Toddler? 

It is much better to dress them in simple clothes that are simple to wash.

How do I Choose My Kid’s Clothes for a Party?

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Indoor Scavenger Hunts for Young Kids 

(Printable cards that can be rearranged to create tons of different hunts, divided by ages from 2-7 years old)

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