Top Tips for Choosing the Best Ways to Track Ovulation

Tracking ovulation helps you determine when you’re fertile, but methods aren’t one size fits all.

There are many different ways to track ovulation–from tracking your ovulation symptoms to using an ovulation tracker, but what is best for one person may not be for another.

I was so overwhelmed when I started learning about ways to track ovulation. Information overload set in, and seriously, how do you choose between ALL the options?

Fertility apps compile all of this information to help you determine your fertile window.

Ovulation Tracker Apps

During your most fertile days, you’ll experience what is often called “egg white cervical mucus” or “EWCM.”

Cervical Mucus

Basal Body Temperature Charting (BBT)

Basal body temperature (BBT) refers to your body temperature when it is at rest. Ovulation generally causes a slight increase in BBT.

Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs)

Generally, you start peeing on a stick (POAS–though that acronym is usually reserved for pregnancy tests) around 7 days into your cycle.

It contains two test pieces, plus a main unit, and connects to a base unit. They’re in beta for a version that will sync with an app on your phone.

OvaCue Fertility Monitor

The Ava Bracelet is EVERYWHERE now. And why wouldn’t it be? It’s a fertility monitor that you wear on your freakin’ wrist!

Ava Bracelet

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