What to Do Before Getting Pregnant: Things to Know Before Trying to Conceive


I’m a pretty Type-A individual who likes to feel in control of most areas of her life. That being said, when it was time to start considering children, I flew into a bit of panic.

What I often forgot to consider was how I really felt and how many of the items on my pre-baby list could wait. Bucket list items weren’t reasons to not try for a baby we wanted.

What is important is figuring out your goals and how a child will fit in with them. And whether you, your partner, your body, your relationship, and your financial situation are actually ready.

Aside from personal and relationship goals, you can also take certain biological steps to prepare yourself for pregnancy physically.

Biological Steps for Preparing for Pregnancy

There are a few things you should consider before jumping in the sack and getting the process started.

Is Your Relationship Ready for a Baby?

Are You Having Kids to Satisfy Other People?

We know it’s hard to ignore social and familial pressures, but the decision to have children should be yours and yours alone.

Are You Ready for a Change to Your Social Life?

Not allowing yourself to take a break from your children is the opposite of good self-care for moms, though!

It’s a widely known fact that the food we eat has a direct impact on our health. There are cardiovascular diets, cancer diets, and even a PCOS fertility diet.

The “Before Pregnancy Diet”

An article in New York Life claims that the average middle-class family spends anywhere from $12,000 – $14,000 on their children per year.

How Much Do Babies Cost? Planning for a Baby Financially

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Worry-Free Pregnancy Guide

(Beneficial for all anxious expecting moms, but originally created for moms experiencing pregnancy after loss.)

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