22 Thoughtful Gifts for Miscarriage that Show You Care

If you want to show a friend you care after they've experienced a miscarriage, you can send a gift that shows you're thinking about them. But what should you give them?

Here are a few ideas for you to consider. These types of gifts work well for someone recovering from a miscarriage because they're thoughtful and show that you care about them.

My favorite pieces of jewelry for a miscarriage gift are made by loss moms for loss moms–an extra special touch that again reminds grieving mothers that they are not alone.


3 Days of Loss Support

Do you need help coping with your loss? We will send you emails directly to your inbox with free support.

This is so special because it’s so personal. The three hearts my friend Tessa sent after my third loss will likely live on my dresser forever.

Miscarriage Art

I keep 4 wooden angels on my bookshelf to represent the 4 children we lost.


Bath products are a great choice for helping pamper mamas experiencing loss, but who do not require surgery.

Calming Bath Salts

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