Miscarriage Tattoos that are Meaningful for Mom

The pain of a miscarriage stays with you. From the moment I found out I was pregnant for the first time, I felt relief in knowing that, for 9 months, my little one would always be with me.

It’s no wonder, then, that miscarriage tattoos, which are equally permanent, are so popular. Here are miscarriage memorial tattoo ideas for mom.

These miscarriage tattoo designs are based on ideas from our own readers. We’ll show you their photos and tell you their stories.

We’ve compiled many miscarriage tattoos from mamas here at Undefining Motherhood. They are as unique as they are beautiful.

Miscarriage Tattoo Ideas

Rachel’s Forget-Me-Nots

Rachel “felt the flowers’ symbolism was perfect for [her] babies and the colors are for the months [she] lost her angels.”

In this section, we’ll take a look at miscarriage memorial tattoos that incorporate nature, such as animals, and celestial bodies such as the moon and stars.

Miscarriage Memorial Tattoos of Nature

This beautifully colorful tattoo is representative of mama bear Grace and her butterflies, which represent her babies in heaven.

Grace’s Mama Bear

Mothers who lose their beloved little ones early often get symbolic miscarriage tattoos because they have so few physical representations of their children.


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