Eight Tips to Celebrate YOURSELF This Mother’s Day

Commercials would have you believe there’s nothing better than waking up on Mother’s Day morning to a tray with orange juice, toast, and perfectly cooked eggs. They suggest you’ll get a gorgeous vase of flowers and a day of pampering, all without any necessary thought from you. Sorry to say, but your TV is a […]

Reclaiming Intimacy: Connecting with Your Partner After Baby

When a tiny human bursts onto the scene and infiltrates your home, making time in your relationship for things like sex, cuddles, and date nights might seem impossible. Before you let your relationship with your husband after baby flounder, why not look for exciting ways to connect with your partner? Adjusting to life as parents […]

What To Do if You’re a Touched Out, Overstimulated Mom

Loud toys, incessant snack demands, and the constant cry of “Mommy mommy mommy”…these things sound familiar? As you navigate the early days of toddlerhood (and, let’s be honest, the rest of childhood), it’s not uncommon to feel like an overstimulated mom.  There’s no denying we love our children, but their continual demands, sounds, and touches […]

How to Survive Cluster Feeding When Baby Is Hungry NON-Stop

I don’t think I was naive about breastfeeding our daughter. I knew it would take time to figure out, and I accepted that the process wouldn’t always be easy. What I didn’t prepare for, however, was the near-mental breakdown I’d experienced when she started cluster feeding.  Okay, a mental breakdown is slightly dramatic and exaggerated, […]

My Newborn is Constantly Hungry! Should I Be Worried?!

Did you know the average baby born in the United States weighs 7.5 lbs? For such a tiny person, you might start wondering why your newborn is constantly hungry! Around three weeks old, our daughter developed the most insatiable appetite. No matter how much she ate, the hunger cues would start again only minutes after […]

Is Your Baby Always Hungry? Understanding the Signs of Cluster Feeding

Can we admit something? When we become new parents, especially first-time parents, it often feels like we have no clue what we’re doing. We’re winging things and doing our damnedest to keep our tiny humans alive. So, when they suddenly change their behaviors and start doing something different, it can leave us scrambling to figure […]

Why is My Baby Cluster Feeding at Night? Your Top 10 Cluster Questions Answered

“There’s something wrong with my baby. She won’t stop eating, and I’m pretty sure my nipples are about to fall off.” This is a DIRECT quote from a friend whose darling baby recently started cluster feeding at night. While her sentiments might sound funny, they also hit the nail on the “nursing problems” head.  What […]

Formula Cluster Feeding: Does it Ever Happen?

The other day, a random thought popped into my head: when babies drink formula, is cluster feeding a “thing?” As a former breastfeeding mama, I know my newborn babies went through their fair share of cluster feeds, but I didn’t stop to consider whether a formula-fed baby has the same innate desire to eat more […]

Motherhood will not make you whole- you must do that for yourself

Motherhood will not make you whole – you must do that for yourself I became a mom for the first time in my early 30s and up until then, I had always felt like something was missing in my life.   I hadn’t yet managed to figure out my passions, and at some point along the […]