Is Your Baby Always Hungry? Understanding the Signs of Cluster Feeding

Can we admit something? When we become new parents, especially first-time parents, it often feels like we have no clue what we’re doing. We’re winging things and doing our damnedest to keep our tiny humans alive. So, when they suddenly change their behaviors and start doing something different, it can leave us scrambling to figure […]

Why is My Baby Cluster Feeding at Night? Your Top 10 Cluster Questions Answered

“There’s something wrong with my baby. She won’t stop eating, and I’m pretty sure my nipples are about to fall off.” This is a DIRECT quote from a friend whose darling baby recently started cluster feeding at night. While her sentiments might sound funny, they also hit the nail on the “nursing problems” head.  What […]

Formula Cluster Feeding: Does it Ever Happen?

The other day, a random thought popped into my head: when babies drink formula, is cluster feeding a “thing?” As a former breastfeeding mama, I know my newborn babies went through their fair share of cluster feeds, but I didn’t stop to consider whether a formula-fed baby has the same innate desire to eat more […]

Motherhood will not make you whole- you must do that for yourself

Motherhood will not make you whole – you must do that for yourself I became a mom for the first time in my early 30s and up until then, I had always felt like something was missing in my life.   I hadn’t yet managed to figure out my passions, and at some point along the […]

How Long Does Cluster Feeding Last? Not as Long as You Think!

Once I got past the initial nipple pain and “How the hell do I do this?” part of breastfeeding, I finally felt like I had nursing all figured out. And then wham! our precious girl seemed insatiable, and I had no idea what was going on. This non-stop desire to eat, I would soon learn, […]

15 Tips for Successfully Working at Home with Kids of Any Age

My daughter was only seven months old when I first switched from my office job to a freelance writing position.  It seemed so easy at the time.  Creating a work-life balance is HARD work under any circumstances. When you’re working from home with kids, however, it’s a completely different ballgame. In our post-pandemic world, work-from-home […]

What is Cluster Feeding? Learn More About Nursing a Newborn

As soon as our babies are born, most of us realize we have no idea what taking care of a newborn actually looks like. Then, we start getting used to the new dynamics and finally develop some routines. BUT THEN our babies flip everything around, and it no longer seems like the so-called “routine” is […]

50+ Popular First Chapter Books for Kids (Including Series’, Too!)

I had a heartbreaking realization the other day. My soon-to-be eight-year-old no longer seems interested in her beloved copies of books like “Goodnight Moon,” “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” or even “Where the Wild Things Are!”  Instead of reading her the stories I found during my quest to find the best books for babies and toddlers, […]

When a Montessori Family Hits the Road: The Best Montessori Toys for Travel

Nothing fills a parent’s mind with more dread than the unexpected tantrums and embarrassing outbursts of a young child on vacation. What if they scream through our fancy dinner? What if they refuse to sit still? It’s the stuff of nightmares! Being prepared is the best antidote for parent travel anxiety. Our well-traveled family learned […]