5 Things to Know About Party Hosting and Food Allergies

Thanksgiving may be over, but the holiday season is just starting.  Chances are you will be attending or hosting several get-togethers and dinners for family and friends, and some may include children (or adults) with food allergies. As the parent of a child with food allergies, meals outside our home are a challenge.  Obviously, most […]

What is Reality, Anyway? Curated Life in the Age of Social Media

Social media has changed how we interact with the world around us. When I was a kid, I ran and played in the woods with my friends. I didn’t wonder about or care what was happening online; there barely was an “online,” and I certainly couldn’t access it. Jack will never know the world I […]

It Takes a Village, and I Want My Son’s to Be Italian

The saying–it takes a village to raise a child–is beyond cliche, but if there’s anything new parenthood teaches you, it’s that it speaks truth. Or, if it doesn’t, it’s likely because there’s no village available. To the parents who raise children without that village: I applaud you, I salute you, and I have no idea […]

It’s Not Drinking Alone if Your Baby is Asleep Upstairs

For the sake of full disclosure, this post was never meant to be Part 3. But as I sat in bed one scary night in April, past my bedtime, cabernet in hand, anxious mama thoughts racing, I realized this needed to be said. Let me tell you a story. The Basic, Rational Facts It’s April. […]