The Basal Body Temperature Method: Can it Help You Get Pregnant Naturally?

While old wives’ tales about conception have a certain amount of intrigue, the one thing they don’t always offer is reliability. If you want to improve your chances of getting pregnant naturally, it’s best to rely on trusted techniques, such as the basal body temperature method.  Sure, there are tons of modern fertility tracking methods […]

When Does Implantation Happen? Calculations, Symptoms, and So Much More!

Figuring out this whole “getting pregnant” thing can be a difficult task for many of us. Even though our 7th-grade sex education textbooks make it seem simple, a lot of us find ourselves asking questions, like “When does implantation occur?” If you’re wondering whether implantation has happened or what implantation symptoms you should be looking […]

Period or Implantation Bleeding? It’s Time to Break Down the Difference!

As someone who went through IVF to conceive, I think I speak for the vast majority of individuals struggling with infertility when I say that the wait for answers about a pregnancy test can be one of the most challenging experiences ever. Whether you’ve undergone an IUI, donor egg transfer, or traditional IVF cycle, you’re […]

What Does Fertile Window MEAN?! 8 Questions About Fertility Answered

Do you ever have those moments where you start to really think about a phrase or idea that you’ve heard before, and you suddenly realize you have no idea what it means? More so, you’re clueless about how this particular sentiment relates to your unique situation. Take the phrase “fertility window,” for example. Many of […]

Which Fertility Supplements Can You Trust? Everything You Need to Know

As someone who frequently struggles with a bad case of medical anxiety directly related to taking prescription drugs, I’m continually searching for more natural ways to treat my various ailments or needs. That’s why when it came to treating my infertility, I started the search for whatever fertility supplements would help organically improve my chances […]

Acupuncture for Fertility: Is This the Alternative Treatment You Need?

There’s a certain amount of “I’ll-do-anything-ness” that comes with infertility – an interest in doing anything you can to increase your chances of getting pregnant without the struggle of lengthy, drawn-out procedures that may or may not be successful. For example, I probably would’ve walked around on my hands for a week if someone had […]

How Accurate are Pregnancy Tests? Here’s Everything You Need to Know!

When it comes to something as life-changing as a pregnancy test, nobody has the time to mess with haphazard, second-rate results. As a woman who knows all too well how stressful the wait for those thin blue lines can be, I know that we all want to know that the pregnancy test we take will […]

Clearing Up Your Second Week of Pregnancy Confusion

For women hoping to grow a family, scanning our bodies for success signs is a normal part of the process. It’s no wonder, then, that so many of us find ourselves scouring the internet for search results on things like “2 weeks pregnancy symptoms” and “2 weeks pregnant belly.” Unfortunately, however, the second week of […]

Your How-To Guide for Simplifying At-Home Insemination

When I say at-home insemination, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? I’m hoping you’re not thinking about a turkey baster right now, but I’m not surprised if you are.  See, the thing about artificial insemination is that the train of thought about it seems to go one of two ways: One, you’re thinking […]

How to Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant on Ovulation Day

Early in life, before my reality became tainted by fertility struggles and recurrent pregnancy loss, I had a half-baked impression about how easy it is to conceive. Honestly, I had no idea what my chances of getting pregnant on ovulation day were, and I’m not even sure I understood that there was a short fertile […]