Should You Hire a Labor Doula While Preparing for Childbirth?

As I prepared to bring our first child into the world, I dreamed of having a successful, drug-free, natural childbirth. However, my fear was not having the guts to achieve it once the show got started. So, when a friend asked, “Should you hire a labor doula?” I was intrigued.  I’d never heard of a […]

Plan for Your Postpartum Period by Meal Prepping Before Baby

Having a new baby is a whirlwind of cuddles, diaper changes, emotions, and exhaustion– the last thing on most of our minds is figuring out what to make for dinner! After all, if you’re anything like me, planning meals is hard enough normally; throw a newborn into the mix, and it can seem downright impossible. […]

Should You Hire a Postpartum Doula to Help After Childbirth?

What if I told you there was a way to receive hands-on care for yourself, your newborn, and the rest of the family after childbirth? All it takes is answering a simple question: should you hire a postpartum doula? The first days of new parenthood are a bittersweet blend of love, excitement, exhaustion, and often […]

20+ Popular TTC and Infertility Podcasts for Hopeful Parents

If you’re like me, when you become fixated on something, take infertility for example,  you do all the research humanly possible. Some of this research includes deep diving into reputable sources, while other research involves watching hours of Infertility Tiktok (yep, that’s a thing) and listening to tons of infertility podcasts.  Don’t get me wrong–I […]

Third Party Reproduction: Understanding Egg and Sperm Donation 101

Having a baby doesn’t always happen the way we think it will. For some of us, no amount of effort will result in the pregnancy we dream of, and we’re left to consider alternative options. The good news is that there are LOTS of fantastic alternative options, including egg and sperm donation! While using donor […]

Make the Most of Your Days With These 15 Organization Tips for Moms

“Is it just me or do you sometimes feel like living with toddlers is the equivalent to a constant dumpster fire inside your house?” This is a DIRECT quote from a friend during a recent conversation about the challenges of trying to manage our homes and schedules. We can’t be the only ones who feel […]

What is a Membrane Sweep and Do You Need One for Labor?

I like to joke that our eldest daughter must have implanted into my uterus with cement because she had zero interest in coming out. At almost two weeks past my due date, I was desperate to get labor going but didn’t want to deal with induction, which is when my doctor suggested a membrane sweep. […]

Empowering Our Little Ones: Helping Kids Deal with Bullies

Before I became a parent, there were certain things I expected to be a part of my child-rearing experiences; helping kids deal with bullies, however, was not one of them.  I anticipated long nights of diaper changes and breastfeeding. I assumed there would be scraped knees and bumped elbows. I even figured we’d deal with […]

Your Holiday Gift Guide: Impressive Stocking Stuffers by Age

I try (emphasis on try) to do my holiday shopping throughout the year; that way, there’s not as much to do right before the big day arrives. Somehow, I always forget about one thing…those dang stocking stuffers. Whether you have a newborn, toddler, or tween at home, picking stocking stuffers by age they’ll enjoy can […]

Celebrate with the Most Popular Christmas Movies for Families

Whether you want to create new holiday traditions for your kids, or you’re in the mood for a yuletide movie night, many Christmas movies for families to watch. The question is, which ones are the best?! From classics like “It’s a Wonderful Life” to unusual favorites like “Die Hard,” there are endless holiday film options […]