Hi! I’m Katy, your best new mom friend who loves research more than Oprah loves giveaways.
In my PhD research, I dove deep into the societal expectations of motherhood and how they’ve shaped our views of what it means to be a “good” mother. As I progressed through life and experienced pregnancy loss and birth, I realized that the world needed a forum where we could learn from each other, shake off external (and internal) expectations, and create our own personal definitions of motherhood.

That’s why I created Undefining Motherhood, a community that welcomes all mothers – with all their ups, downs, heartbreaks, and joys – to join a conversation that goes beyond the traditional definition of motherhood.

Join our curious, caring, and open-minded community of 1 million.

Interested in exploring living or mothering in your own way? So are we! Sign up for our newsletter below to become part of our thriving community.

  • Becoming a Medical Mama

    The first couple years of my daughter’s life, she went to daycare. I taught high school social studies, and my husband worked as an architect. Our daughter had the normal daycare illnesses (a new virus every other week it seemed), but other than that our life was fairly “normal.”  But if I’ve learned anything, it’s […]

  • The Best Kid’s Chapter Books About Diversity

    As parents, we want our children to interact with generosity and grace when they see something out of their ordinary. When one of their classmates dresses differently or uses a mobility aid to get around. When a friend celebrates different holidays or brings a dish from a different culture to a class picnic. That’s why chapter […]

  • Feminist Books for Boys: Why ALL Kids Should Read Feminist Books!

    Empowering books for girls aren’t just for girls, y’all! It’s essential that we read books about strong women to boys, too! That’s why we’ve compiled this list of feminist books for boys, made up of board books and picture books for young readers. Of course, feminist themes aren’t always explicit in books like these (although […]