My Newborn is Constantly Hungry! Should I Be Worried?!

Did you know the average baby born in the United States weighs 7.5 lbs? For such a tiny person, you might start wondering why your newborn is constantly hungry! Around three weeks old, our daughter developed the most insatiable appetite. No matter how much she ate, the hunger cues would start again only minutes after […]

Is Your Baby Always Hungry? Understanding the Signs of Cluster Feeding

Can we admit something? When we become new parents, especially first-time parents, it often feels like we have no clue what we’re doing. We’re winging things and doing our damnedest to keep our tiny humans alive. So, when they suddenly change their behaviors and start doing something different, it can leave us scrambling to figure […]

How Long Does Cluster Feeding Last? Not as Long as You Think!

Once I got past the initial nipple pain and “How the hell do I do this?” part of breastfeeding, I finally felt like I had nursing all figured out. And then wham! our precious girl seemed insatiable, and I had no idea what was going on. This non-stop desire to eat, I would soon learn, […]

The Ultimate Breast Milk Storage Solutions (New Moms Need To Know!)

Storing and organizing breast milk in the freezer can be a challenging task, and it’s not an extra headache new moms need! But if you plan to breastfeed while working or taking time away from baby, then having a reliable and efficient freezer storage solution is essential.   In this article, I’m sharing my personal experience […]

Finding Comfortable Postpartum Pajamas for the Hospital

Generally speaking, the words “comfortable” and “cozy” don’t really have a place in a healthcare setting, especially right after you give birth. However, what might surprise some new moms is that buying the right postpartum pajamas for the hospital can actually make a difference in how comfortable you are. Given that you’ve just pushed something […]

Choosing the Right Nursing Bras for Your Body

When you get pregnant, you pretty much understand that you’ll be shelling out some cash for new clothes to fit your expanding (yay!) body. For example, we all know the day will come when you start wondering when you need to buy maternity clothes? However, many of us forget that if you’re planning on breastfeeding, […]

Our Top 13 Essential Breastfeeding Supplies and Freebies!

When it comes to breastfeeding supplies, one might assume the only thing you need is…well, a pair of boobs. But there’s more involved than you might think. From the clothes you wear to the pump you choose, picking the right types of nursing supplies can make or break your breastfeeding experience.  I remember my first […]

The Best Breastfeeding Snacks for Your Postpartum Body

Whether you’re preparing a postpartum recovery to-do list for yourself, or you’re putting together a new mom survival kit for a friend, be sure to add breastfeeding snacks to your shopping cart.  Trust us when we say a nursing mother’s postpartum body relies on a whole lot of snacking.  When I was pregnant with my […]

Pace Feeding Baby: Everything You Need to Know

Something I wasn’t expecting about becoming a nursing mother is the number of “rules” you have to follow. Along with guidelines about how often you should nurse and what position you should nurse in, there are also mandates about how you should give them a bottle! This is called “pace feeding” baby. I wrongly assumed […]

How to Increase Breastmilk Supply: Tips from a Professional

If you’re here, you’re probably wondering how to increase breastmilk supply. And while that can be a legitimate question and problem, most of the time it actually isn’t. When we talk about milk supply, we often talk about “perceived insufficient milk supply” (PIMS), as many women don’t believe they’re producing enough milk to adequately feed […]